Support our legislators in saying "NO" to ODOT's I-205 Tolling plan. Clackamas County residents gain nothing in return.
Ensure ALL residents feel safe
and secure in Clackamas County.
Work with our D.A. and public safety partners to restore drug courts and provide a new county recovery center.
through trade exports and expanded high-speed internet in rural areas.
Martha Schrader has more than a vision for Clackamas County.
She has made real progress on the issues that matter.
Increasing the supply at multiple levels remains crucial to solving our housing challenges -- from transitional housing to affordable homes for working families. Commissioner Schrader is proud to have directed $160 million in regional bond money, allowing the County Commission to purchase land for affordable home construction.
Martha is currently working with her colleagues to select developers and owners as they identify sites for new housing construction.
In addition to utilizing $12 million in regional funding for the purchase of newly constructed affordable housing, the county has purchased existing homes. Martha worked to ensure the county funded a Housing Liaison to manage these projects efficiently and successfully.
Just over a year ago, Martha was proud to join her fellow Commissioners in opening the Clackamas County Veterans Village, a tiny home community to help veterans in crisis find stable housing, support from fellow veterans, and access to vital resources.
This transitional village helps veterans recover their dignity and independence by having a place to call their own. It also connects veterans to public services and other veterans, establishing networks that help vets get back on their feet.
Since then, the county has helped transition many of these residents to more permanent housing. Martha is currently working on expanding the number of veteran housing options to include intermediate and long-term housing.
Given her background in entomology, Martha understands that ecosystems are complex. Making them more resilient can help protect and enhance our insect pollinators -- the key to sustaining our agriculture system and protecting the environment.
Martha partnered with the professionals at Oregon State University’s Extension Service to ensure pollination is included in Clackamas County’s sustainability plan. Thanks to her leadership, landscaping on county grounds and parks now includes plants conducive to thriving pollinators.
Martha has been working with the county's economic development division to ensure that businesses stay here, succeed here and grow here. Oregon is a net export state, and Clackamas County is a leader
when it comes to exporting agricultural products. Martha’s goals include connecting local food processing companies to worldwide consumers.
Martha is working with a bi-partisan coalition to improve drug-decriminalization bill Measure 110. In addition to ensuring our jails are not used as mental health holding areas, the group is focusing on improving and expanding mental health and addiction treatment services, as well as adding back a public safety component to ensure addicts are incentivized to get the help they need.
Martha also is working on integrated solutions that expand access to high-quality health services, including mental health and other specialty services like diabetes and dental care. She helped develop the county’s Health Centers Team and Health Centers Dental Team, which are working hand-in-hand with regional partners to address the complex challenges our counties face.
Martha respects the sovereignty of Native Americans and has made it a central value to work collaboratively with Native leaders. She works closely with Tracy Moreland, a Community Relations Specialist who is also a member of The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, on building relationships with Native communities.
Clackamas County citizens benefit by having leaders who can advocate on their behalf at the state and federal level. Martha has represented Clackamas County for decades as a leader of state and national organizations.
Currently, Martha serves as Chair of the Community and Economic Development Committee of the National Association of Counties (NACo). In this capacity, she works to ensure home funding and community development block grants remain stable. She's also Vice Chair of NACo’s International Committee, where she continues to advance the interests of Clackamas County exporters.
As a leader in national county governance, Clackamas County has received awards for innovation. More importantly than the award itself, Clackamas County has stood out as a model for good governance across the nation.
Martha also served as past president of the Association of Oregon Counties (AOC). She helped put AOC in a better financial position and managed the hiring of a new executive director.

About Martha
Martha Schrader has dedicated more than 20 years to serving the citizens of Clackamas County.
She was elected to the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners in May 2012 and was appointed vice chair of the board in 2014 and 2020.
She previously served as Commissioner from 2003 to 2009 and was Commission Chair from 2005 to 2007. Martha represented District 20 as a State Senator from 2009 to 2011.
Before entering public office, Martha was a farmer, a teacher and a librarian.
From 1982 until 2012, she owned and operated Three Rivers Farm in Canby, growing and selling organic produce.
Martha is the proud mother of five children and eight grandchildren.
In her free time, Martha enjoys visiting farmer's markets, preparing gourmet meals for friends and kayaking on the Clackamas River.
Martha holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University, a Master’s degree in entomology from the University of Illinois, and a Master’s degree in education from Portland State University.
She has completed advanced coursework in Public Policy and Administration from Portland State University and is a Fellow with the American Leadership Forum.
A Legacy of Leadership
2001 - Completed The Legacy Program for State and Local Public Service Leaders at the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government
2004 - Awarded Outstanding Service Award by the Oregon Association of Counties (AOC) for outstanding service and leadership in the advancement of county governance in Oregon
2005 - Received Certificate of Appreciation from the Oregon Association of Counties (AOC) in Recognition of Valuable Contributions to AOC's Efforts during the 73rd Legislative Session
2006 - Completed the County Leadership Institute of the NYU/Wagner School of Public Service
2007 - Completed National Fellows Program and named Senior Fellow of the American Leadership Forum
2008 - Appointed by Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski to the Governor's Task Force on Veterans Services
2009 - Awarded U.S. Army Reserve Ambassador Certificate of Recognition for outstanding support and services to The
United States Army Reserve.
2009 - Received Friend of Oregon Wheat award as state senator for service to the Oregon Wheat Growers League
2009 - Received Public Power Rock Solid Award from the Oregon People's Utility District Association for advocacy on behalf of public power for Oregon communities
2010 - Awarded Meritorious Service Medal by the Oregon National Guard for her dedication and passion in helping returning veterans and their families.
2018 - Appointed by Oregon Gov. Kate Brown to the Willamette Falls Locks Commission through 2021
2019 - Received Liberty Award from Oregon League of Minority Voters in recognition of outstanding contributions on behalf of our communities
2020 - Awarded North Clackamas Chamber of Commerce Women in Leadership and Management Lifetime Achievement Award
2024 - Appointed by Gov. Tina Kotek to the State of Oregon Workforce and Talent Development Board
Buckley Law
Columbia Pacific Building Trades Council
Comcast Financial Agency Corporation
Congresswoman Andrea Salinas, 6th District
Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde
Consumer Fireworks Safety Association
Democratic Party of Clackamas County
Former Clackamas County Commissioner Ken Humberston
Former Clackamas County Commissioner Sonya Fischer
Former Damascus Mayor Diana Helm
Former Lake Oswego City Councilor Jackie Edmunds-Manz
Happy Valley Mayor Tom Ellis
Happy Valley City Council President Brett Sherman
Happy Valley City Councilor David Emami
HD20 Senator Mark Meek
HD37 Rep. Jules Walters
D38 Rep. Daniel Nguyen
HD40 Rep. Annessa Hartman
HD41 Rep. Mark Gamba
Homebuilders Association of Oregon
International Association of Machinists
Ironworkers Local 29
Joint Council of Teamsters No. 37
KinderCare Education LLC
Lake Oswego Mayor Joe Buck
Lake Oswego School Board Director Neelam Gupta
Local 48 Electricians
Lori Olund, President, Miles Fiberglass
LIUNA Local 737 Political Action
Metro Councilor Christine Lewis
Metro Councilor Gerritt Rosenthal
Milwaukie Mayor Lisa Batey
Natural Gas Political Action Committee
North Clackamas Chamber of Commerce
NW Oregon Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Oregon City Golf Club
Oregon City Commissioner Adam Marl
Oregon City Mayor Denyse McGriff
Oregon First Realtors
OrePac Building Products
Oregon Senate President Rob Wagner
Oregon Trail Democrats
Portland Metro Chamber
Portland Metropolitan Association of Realtors
Professional Firefighters of Clackamas County, IAFF Local 1159
Republic Services
Springboard Group
The Standard
Tualatin City Councilor Bridget Brooks
Tualatin Mayor Frank Bubanik
Tualatin Valley Firefighters Union
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555
Waste Management
West Linn City Councilor Mary Baumgardner
West Linn Mayor Rory Bialostosky
Willamette Women Democrats
Willamette Women Democrats Board Member Rosie Stephens
Willamette Women Democrats Board Member Kathy Gordon
Wilsonville Mayor Julie Fitzgerald

Corey Buchanan
Nov 7, 2023

Martha Schrader
Jan. 12, 2024

Dave Adams of West Linn
May 9, 2024

Click icon above to email the campaign, or email: jan.electmarthaschrader@gmail.com